Location: DTU Lyngby campus (Class Room TBA)
Points: 5 ECTS
Period: 13 weeks (Spring 2022 , starting 3rd Feb)
Time (Tentative) : Every Wednesday 13,00-17,00 or
Every Thursday 13,00-17,00
Course responsible: Jing Wu
Please write an email to Jing (jinwu@elektro.dtu.dk) for registration before 7th January 2022.
Course Description:
This special course is designed for students with engineering education background who has a special interests in the subjects of safety and reliability. It offers systematic methods and tools for identifying, analyzing and managing reliability and safety issues in automation and robotic systems. There will be 10 lectures, including several guest lectures from the industry, providing you with competencies that prepare you to solve emerging safety related challenges and uptake the legal, societal and ethical aspects in the era of industry 4.0
•General engineering background
•Basic probability theories
•Students will be evaluated based on written reports
•7-point grading scale is used
Learning Objectives:
•Define safety and reliability in relation with robotic and automation systems.
•Understand fundamental safety concepts and theories.
•Identify what are the relevant standards and required procedures.
•Identify causing factors that contribute to the accidents in relation with robotic and automation systems by using accident-causing theories.
•Perform system safety analysis using safety analysis methods by following the safety analysis procedure for robotic and automation systems.
•Perform reliability analysis of robotic and automation systems for simple events using reliability analysis methods.
•Perform risk assessment according to ISO12100.
•Write sections of risk assessment report.