The Fourth International Workshop on Functional Modelling for Design and Operation of Engineering Systems took place on the 23rd-24th of September 2019.
Researchers from Denmark, Norway, Japan, United States and the Netherlands presented their work in the field of Functional Modelling. The workshop was divided in sessions on the following topics:
- Functional Modelling theory and modelling
- System identification and modelling
- Applications of Functional Modelling
- Tools and planning with MFM
- Functional Modelling towards robotics.
In addition to the academic presentations, this year we included a special talk from an industrial partner. Claus Myllerup, CTO of Kairos Technology, presented a real case that they encountered while testing their MFM-based product, Control Room Assistant, on an oil and gas platform. MFM was able to accurately diagnose a fault in the system long before the control room operators could figure out what the problem was.
The two-day workshop provided participants with the opportunity to be updated with current research on Functional Modelling, as well as finding out how Functional Modelling can be used in industrial applications. Following the sessions and the demonstration, a reception and a group dinner were organised, allowing participants to socialise and find out more about each other's interests.
Find out more about the IWFM workshop here.