In March 2018, the second demonstration for the Water Management project took place and was hosted at Aalborg University Esbjerg.
The goal of the Water Management project is to optimize the water injection and produced water treatment systems from the Dan and Halfdan platforms
The purpose of this demonstration was to provide an update on each of the activities that are part of the Water Management project. Thus, the latest developments for Monitoring and Control, Multilevel Flow Modeling, AlarmTracker and Data Analytics were presented.
After a short introduction and update on each research area, the floor was given to the PhD students, who had the chance of presenting their individual projects and explaining how their research contributes to the programme.
The water treatment pilot plant belonging to the Aalborg University Esbjerg team was used for the two demonstrations scheduled.
The DTU Electrical Engineering team demonstrated that MFM can be used to diagnose faults for a process in real time. While the pilot plant was running, a known fault was introduced, and real-time data was collected through the existing Human Machine Interface (HMI) system. Having made an MFM model of the pilot plant and integrating it with an early version of the AlarmTracker product developed by Eldor Technology, live reasoning could be performed, and the root cause detected.
Our colleagues from Aalborg University showed that the Model-Predictive-Control (MPC) solution can significantly improve the de-oiling performance of hydrocyclone-based Produced Water Treatment (PWT) processes.
The day ended with some group work, where participants could discuss the challenges and opportunities in each research area in more detail.
Find out more about the Water Management project here.