The Water Management project is part of a research programme belonging to the DTU Danish Hydrocarbon Research and Technology Centre (DHRTC). It is an ongoing project, that started in February 2016. The overall objective is to stimulate oil production in the Danish oil platforms by increasing operational performance as well as improving facility design aspects. Various technologies are being researched and the best ones will become part of the new Water Management Plan.
One of the project’s work packages focuses on online decision support for water injections systems, where MFM plays a major role. The plant is modelled from a means-goal perspective in order to capture the intended design specifications for the operations. This functional approach supports the generation of cause-consequence analysis and thereby serves at the backbone in a decision support system for the operator in order to achieve best-practice.
The project is in collaboration with Kairos Technology, Aalborg University Esbjerg and DTU Compute.
You can find more information on the project here.