The Halden Reactor Project started in 1958 and is the largest Nuclear Energy Agency joint project, with over 130 organisations participating from 19 countries. Participants from the various organizations work together in several research projects in the areas of nuclear fuel reliability, integrity of reactor internals and plant control/monitoring. Generally, the work is split in two areas:
- Fuel and Materials programme
- Man, Technology and Organisation programme.
The main location for conducting experiments and analyses is the Halden establishment in Norway.
Our group of DTU researchers joined this collaboration since 2009, when the Advanced Control project started. The goal was to find the possible synergies between operation support systems and advanced control systems. MFM was used in early fault detection, fault-tolerant control applications and reasoning about achieving the required control functions in the presence of faults.
Afterwards, the Diagnostic Decision Support project started, with the goal of automating the diagnosis and prognosis process by using goal- and function-oriented modelling and qualitative reasoning.
You can read more about the projects at the links below:
Advanced Control [2009-2014]
Diagnostic Decision Support [2012-2017]